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Bramble, Tom
Historical Debate - 'The Rise of the Modern Labour Technocrat': Response
Labour History
vol. 79, 2000, pp. 179-184

Bramble believes that the decline of the Amalgamated Metal Workers Union (AMWU) as a radical and militant union is one of the tragedies of the Australian labour movement in the past quarter century. Bramble responds to the Scalmer and Irving article, endorsing many elements, particularly the strong case they make for the viability and desirability of a strategy based on rank-and-file activism and their assessment of the damaging impact of the Accord on the practices of the AMWU leadership in relation to members and employers. However he comments that it overlooks the essential continuity in politics and strategy pursued by the AMWU leadership in the Fraser years and under the Accord

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  • Irving, Terry and Scalmer, Sean, 'Historical Debate - 'The Rise of the Modern Labour Technocrat': Terry Irving and Sean Scalmer: Reply', Labour History, vol. 79, 2000, pp. 185-188. Details
  • Scalmer, Sean and Irving, Terry, 'The Rise of the Modern Labour Technocrat: Intellectual Labour and the Transformation of the Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, 1973-85', Labour History, vol. 77, 1999, pp. 64-82. Details