Browse Entries

Trade Union entry Federated House & Ship Painters Paperhangers & Decorators Employees Association of Australasia (1910 - 1915)

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    Chart 7: Trade Unions - Building, Construction, Mining and Timber Industries

Trade Union (Federal)
Reference No


The Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union originated as a craft union in the nineteenth century and has retained that tradition within the building industry at both state branch and federal level until large scale union amalgamations, initiated by the Australian Council of Trade Unions were considered in the late 1980s. Registered federally for the first time as the Federated House & Ship Painters Paperhangers & Decorators Employees' Association Australasia in 1910, by 1915 it had changed names to become the Operative Painters & Decorators of Australasia. In 1918 the name changed again slightly to the Operative Painters' & Decorators' Union of Australia. Seventy-five years later, the Union amalgamated to form the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union in 1993.


 1910 - 1915 Federated House & Ship Painters Paperhangers & Decorators Employees Association of Australasia
       1915 - 1918 Operative Painters & Decorators of Australasia
             1918 - 1993 Operative Painters & Decorators Union of Australia
                   1993 - Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union (ii)

Archival resources

The Noel Butlin Archives Centre, ANU Archives Program

  • Operative Painters & Decorators Union of Australia - Records, 1890 - 1957, E109; The Noel Butlin Archives Centre, ANU Archives Program. Details

The University of Melbourne Archives

  • Operative Painters and Decorators' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch - Records, 1874 - 1981, 1983.0152; The University of Melbourne Archives. Details
  • Operative Painters and Decorators Union of Australia, Victorian Branch - Records, 1886 - 1972, 1973.0052; The University of Melbourne Archives. Details

Published resources

Online Resources

Digital resources

Chart 7: Trade Unions - Building, Construction, Mining and Timber Industries


Bruce A. Smith