Browse Entries

Trade Union entry Australian Municipal Administrative Clerical & Services Union (i) (1993 - 1994)


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    Chart 6: Trade Unions - Administrative Services and Local Government

Trade Union (Federal)
Reference No


The Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union, trading as the Australian Services Union [ASU], was formed on July 1, 1993, following a vote by members of the Federated Clerks' Union [FCU], the Federated Municipal and Shire Council Employees' Union [MEU], and the Australian Municipal Transport Energy Water Ports Community & Information Services Union [ASU] to amalgamate.

The new ASU had the FCU as host Union and continued to use the trading name of the Australian Services Union. The ASU can trace its ultimate beginnings to the start of the twentieth century. One year after its inception, in 1994, the ASU amalgamated with the Totalisator Employees' Association of Victoria and consequently reregistered, but under the same name.


 1921 - 1924 Victorian Railways Administrative Officers & Clerks Association
       1924 - 1947 Federation of Salaried Officers of Railways Commissioners
             1919 - 1984 Salaried Division of the Metropolitan Board of Water Supply & Sewerage Employees Association
             1947 - 1978 Australasian Transport Officers Federation
                   1921 - 1991 Municipal Officers Association of Australia
                   1955 - 1976 Australian Association of Social Workers
                   1970 - 1991 Technical Service Guild of Australia
                   1978 - 1991 Australian Transport Officers Federation
                         1910 - 1914 Municipal Employees Association of Australia
                         1911 - 1917 Federated Clerks Union of Australia (i)
                         1942 - 1988 Australian Shipping Officers Association
                         1976 - 1992 Australian Social Welfare Union
                         1991 - 1992 Australian Municipal Transport Energy Water Ports Community & Information Services Union (i)
                               1914 - 1917 Federated Municipal Employees Association of Australia
                               1917 - 1924 Australian Clerical Association
                               1988 - 1993 Australian Shipping & Travel Officers Association
                               1992 - 1993 Australian Municipal Transport Energy Water Ports Community & Information Services Union (ii)
                                     1917 - 1993 Federated Municipal & Shire Council Employees Union of Australia
                                     1924 - 1993 Federated Clerks Union of Australia (ii)
                                     1993 Australian Municipal Transport Energy Water Ports Community & Information Services Union (iii)
                                           1993 - 1994 Australian Municipal Administrative Clerical & Services Union (i)
                                                 1994 - Australian Municipal Administrative Clerical & Services Union (ii)

Archival resources

The University of Melbourne Archives

  • Federated Clerks' Union of Australia, Victorian Branch - Records, 1942 - 1995, 2000.0055; The University of Melbourne Archives. Details

Published resources

Online Resources

Digital resources

Chart 6: Trade Unions - Administrative Services and Local Government


Bruce A. Smith