Browse Archival Resources by Repository - J
Browse Archival Resources by Repository
- James Cook University of North Queensland, Library Archives
- A.D. Murgatroyd Collection
- Amalgamated Metal Workers' & Shipwrights' Union Collection
- Amalgamated Metal Workers Union - Minutes
- Amalgamated Metal Workers Union - Minutes
- Association of Employers of Waterside Labour Collection
- Association of Employers of Waterside Labour, Townsville Subcomittee - Records
- Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Records
- Australian Railways Union - Records
- Building Workers' Industrial Union, Townsville - Records
- E.J. Stannett Collection
- Edward Yule Lowry Papers
- Fred Thompson Papers
- Queensland Premier's and Chief Secretary's Office Records
- Valentine Bambrick Collection
- John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library
- The Australasian Journalist 1920
- The Australasian Journalist 1921
- The Australasian Journalist 1922
- The Australasian Journalist 1923
- The Australasian Journalist 1924
- The Australasian Journalist 1925
- Australian Journalists Association, W.A. District 50th Anniversary Dinner menu 26 November 1960
- Australian Journalists Association, W.A. District Annual Report & Balance Sheet, 1984-1985
- Australian Journalists Association, W.A. District Annual Reports 1922-1945
- Australian Journalists Association, W.A. District Membership Register 1917-1918
- Australian Worker
- Australian Worker
- Australian Workers' Union - Records
- Interview of Harry Krantz, 28 October 1996
- Timber Worker articles by or relating to John Curtin
- The Timber Worker, 1913 - 1930
- John Oxley Library, Manuscripts and Business Records Collection, State Library of Queensland
- Australian Council of Trade Unions Records 1927-1939
- Australian Shipping Officers Association, South Queensland Division Records 1942-1979
- Boot Trade Employees Federation, Queensland Branch Correspondence
- Brisbane Chamber of Commerce Records
- The Brisbane general strike of 1912
- Brisbane Wool Selling Brokers Association and Livestock Agents Association Records - Minutes of the Federated Storemen & Packers Union of Australia
- Building Workers Industrial Union Records
- Catherine Seymour and Charles Seymour Papers
- Charles Seymour Papers 1880-1924
- Harry Shelton Papers - Minute Book of the Merlwood Branch of Queensland Farmers' Union
- Inverlaw Progress Association Records
- Ipswich and West Moreton Teachers Association Minutes 1910-1953
- J Howarth Union Ticket Book 1928-1944
- M A D Howarth Union Ticket Book 1941-1942
- Maryborough Chamber of Commerce Records 1901-1908
- Professional Officers Association Records
- Queensland Central Rail Disputes Committee Records 1948
- Queensland Colliery Employees Union, Howard Branch Records 1930-1976
- Queensland Railway Signalman's Union Records 1920-1976
- Queensland State Service Union of Employees Records 1902-1959
- Rose Scott-Cowen Papers 1879-1919
- Stanthorpe State High and Rural School Committee; Teacher's Union Stanthorpe Branch, Stanthorpe Records 1950-1966 - Minute Book
- Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce Records 1899-1964
- United Graziers Association of Queensland Records
- United Graziers' Association of Queensland Records
- United Graziers Association of Queensland Records - Convention Reports of the Pastoralists Federal Council of Australia
- JS Battye Library of West Australian History, State Library of Western Australia
- A.C. Winchester Papers
- Albert Mitchell - Papers, 1928-1975
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Kalgoorlie Branch - Minute Books
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Western Australian Branch - Clearance certificates, 1974
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners. Goldfields District (W.A.) - Correspondence, 1910-1922
- Arthur James Calcutt - Papers 1896-1947
- Association of Employers of Waterside Labour - Records, 1901-1969
- Association of Professional Engineers, Australia, West Australian Branch - Records, 1949-1982
- Australian Bank Employees Union, W.A. Division - Records, 1921-1989
- Australian Bank Officials' Association, Bank of New South Wales Staff Council - Records, 1959-1972
- Australian Nursing Federation, Western Australian Branch - Records, 1868-1989
- Australian Timber Workers' Union - Records, 1927-1928
- Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association, Perth Branch - Minute Books, 1925-1963
- Bank Officials' Association of Western Australia, Bank of New South Wales Sub-Branch - Records, 1920-1967
- Bank Officials' Association of Western Australia, Bank of New South Wales Sub-Branch - Records, 1920-1967
- Barmaids' and Barmens' Union, Eastern Goldfields - Records, 1914-1920
- Breweries and Bottleyards Employees' Industrial Union of Western Australia - Records, 1910-1978
- Breweries and Bottleyards Employees' Industrial Union of Western Australia - Records, 1917-1937
- Building Trades Association of Unions of Western Australia - Records, 1919-1992
- Coal Miners' Industrial Union of Workers of WA, Collie - Records, 1899-1957
- Council for Membership Control of A.W.U - Files, 1959-1970
- Farmers' and Settlers' Association of Western Australia - Minute books of the Boyagarra and Aldersyde Branches, 1915-1929
- Farmers' and Settlers' Association of Western Australia, Greenough Branch - Minute book, 1912-1921
- Farmers' Union of W.A. - Files and Minute Books, 1939-1979
- Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia, Western Australian Branch - Records, 1926-1962
- Federated Society of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders of Australia, W.A. Branch - Correspondence, 1918-1921
- Fremantle Licensed Victuallers' Association - Minutes, 1936-1937
- Henry Vigors Hewitt - Papers, 1895-1939
- Hotel Club Caterers' Tearoom and Restaurant Employees' Union - Records, 1901-1938
- Maritime Workers' Union of Western Australia - Records, 1911-1988
- Operative Bricklayers and Rubble Wallers Industrial Union of Workers (W.A.) - Records, 1917-1968
- Operative Stonemasons' Union - Minutes, 1938-1951
- Paddy Troy - Papers, 1906-1978
- Perth Chamber of Commerce - Records, 1887-1984
- Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Western Australian Branch - Records, 1911-1982
- Printing and Kindred Industries Union (Australia), Western Australian Branch - Records, 1896-1996
- Reginald Court Harrison - Scrapbooks, 1895-1969
- State School Teachers' Union of Western Australia - Records, 1898-1973
- Trades and Labor Council of Western Australia - Records, 1950-1991
- West Australian Amalgamated Society of Railway Employees Union of Workers - Records, 1899-1958
- West Australian Fibrous Plasters Industrial Union of Workers - Minutes, 1924-1964
- Western Australian Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners' Industrial Union of Workers - Records, 1897-1973
- Western Australian Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners' Industrial Union of Workers, Perth Branch - Records, 1897-1973
- Western Australian Municipal, Road Boards, Parks and Racecourse Employees' Union of Workers, Perth - Records, 1916-1978
- Western Australian Plumbers and Sheet Metal Workers Industrial Union of Workers - Records, 1901-1970
- Western Australian Society of Operative Plasterers' Industrial Union of Workers - Records, 1902-1964