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Table of Contents

Pedigree Charts ~ Federally Registered Trade Unions

Chart 6 Administrative Services & Local Government

Chart 7 Building, Construction, Mining & Timber Industries

Chart 8 Communications & Electrical

Chart 9 Distribution/Warehousing & Manufacturing - Clothing & Apparel

Chart 10 Education

Chart 11 Emergency Services Grouping

Chart 12 Finance & Commerce

Chart 13 Health

Chart 14 Hospitality, Liquor & Miscellaneous Workers

Chart 15 Manufacturing - Metals & Food

Chart 16 Maritime & Stevedoring

Chart 17 Media & Entertainment

Chart 18 Professional & Managerial

Chart 19 Public Sector

Chart 20 Public Transport

Chart 21 Retail

Chart 22 Rural Industries, Infrastructure & Manufacturing - Metals & General

Chart 23 Transport - Road & Air


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Chart 19 Public Sector

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Organisations in Australian Trade Union Archives: Administrative & Clerical Officers Association, Australian Government Employment | Administrative & Clerical Officers Association, Commonwealth Public Service | Arbitration Court Registrars Association | Arbitration Inspectors Association | Association of Assistants of the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research organisation | Association of Government Professional Officers of Australia | Association of Health Professionals (Commonwealth Public Service) | Association of Officers of the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research organisation | Association of Officers of the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (the CSIR Officers Association) | Australian Broadcasting Commission Staff Association | Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union | Australian Commonwealth Public Service Clerical Association | Australian Government Lawyers Association | Australian Public Sector & Broadcasting Union, Australian Government Employment (i) | Australian Public Sector & Broadcasting Union, Australian Government Employment (ii) | Australian Public Sector Professional & Broadcasting Union, Australian Government Employment | Australian Public Servants Association | Australian Public Service Association | Australian Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers) | Australian Staffing Assistance (Papua New Guinea) Association | Commonwealth Butter & Cheese Graders Association, Commonwealth Public Service | Commonwealth Legal Professional Officers Association | Commonwealth Naval Employees Association of Australia | Commonwealth Naval Storehousemens Association | Commonwealth Professional Surveyors Association | Commonwealth Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers) | Commonwealth Public Service Clerical Association | Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation Technical Association | Commonwealth Staff Valuers Association | Commonwealth Storemen & Packers Union of Australia | CPSU, the Community & Public Sector Union | CSIRO Laboratory Craftsmens Association | CSIRO Officers Association | CSIRO Staff Association | CSIRO Technical Association | Customs Officers Association of Australia, Fourth Division | Federated Public Service Assistants Association of Australia | Fourth Division Officers Association of the Trade & Customs Department of Australia | General Division Officers Union of the Trade & Customs Department of Australia | Government Service Womens Federation of Australia (ii) | Government Service Womens Federation of Australia (i) | Industrial Arbitration Registrars Association | Meat Inspectors Association, Australian Public Service | Meat Inspectors Association, Commonwealth Public Service | Professional Officers (State Public Services & Instrumentalities) Association | Professional Officers Association, Australian Public Service (i) | Professional Officers Association, Australian Public Service (ii) | Professional Officers Association, Commonwealth Public Service | Professional Para-Medical Officers Association (Commonwealth Public Service) | Professional Radio & Electronics Institute of Australasia | Professional Radio Employees Institute of Australasia | Public Sector Professional Scientific Research Technical Communications Aviation & Broadcasting Union | Public Sector Professional Technical Communications Aviation & Broadcasting Union | Public Service Association of North Australia & Central Australia | Radio-Telegraphists (Marine) Institute of Australasia | Radio-Telegraphists Institute of Australasia | Repatriation Department Medical Technologists Association | State Public Service General Division Union | State Public Services Federation | State Public Services Federation | State Public Services Federation | University Library Officers Association

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© 1994 Print Edition page 51, 2002 Online Edition
Published by The University of Melbourne Archives, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher